Episode 15: Return of the Gentle-Man

What does it mean to be a gentleman? 

Today, Brendon is joined by Mark Kerr, Access Consciousness facilitator and Gents Club member. 

Listen to learn how to be a kindness and a gentle-man by being the best version of yourself and inviting others to do the same. 

On today’s podcast:

  • What is a gentleman?
  • A gentle-man
  • Having your own back
  • Stuck in the stereotype
  • Find something that inspires you


Click here to download the show summary for the One Choice From Change podcast with Brendon Watt.

What is a gentleman?

Many of us grow up with role models, mothers or fathers, other family members or people close to us, who weren’t the greatest examples for us. We may not have had someone to look up to and show us how to create cool stuff and have a fun life.

So we may go to a stereotype, and there are plenty of stereotypes about what a gentleman should be, whether that’s helping an elderly lady across the street or wearing a...

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