Episode 10: Trust In YOU

What do you know that you know? 

Today, Brendon is joined by Emily Russell to talk about trusting in you and knowing you can handle anything you choose.

Listen to learn how you can create beyond what you’ve decided you cannot have and start trusting in what you know so you can choose something greater. 

On today’s podcast:

  • What do you know?
  • Choosing for what you know
  • Hiding your crazy limits what you can create
  • If you want it, you have to choose it
  • Creating beyond what you’ve decided you cannot have


Click here to download the show summary for the One Choice From Change podcast with Brendon Watt.

What do you know?

Access empowers you to know what you know. When Emily found Access, she was a stay at home mom with two small children. She wanted to start working again. She knew she wanted something else, so she started asking questions. 

She saw someone asking for social media help in an Access Facebook group, and she responded. She had recently taken a social media online course, but didn’t have much experience aside from that. 

Emily was hired and started working with this woman’s business and realized she actually already knew so much. 

Choosing for what you know

When Emily was working this job, she was having to pay a babysitter and was barely even making a profit. Her husband at the time told her it made no sense.

But she just knew she was creating a different future. Even though it looked crazy, she had to trust something that she knew that was beyond what it looked like. 

But it matched a certain energy that she had to trust.

Hiding your crazy limits what you can create

We’re so different, but we fight against it because we want to be normal. We don’t want to seem crazy. It’s a constant conflict in our lives. 

If you try to hide anything in your world, how much does that limit what you create? Everything you hide from you limits what you can create. 

The crazy is actually the brilliance of us, so when we’re trying to hide how crazy we are, we’re actually just hiding how brilliant we are. 

If you want it, you have to choose it

Many people who are seeking, looking for something different, reaching for something, trying to stretch their world into something greater, are looking for how that can be given to them. 

But if you want it, you have to choose it. Yet so many people don’t think they know how to choose. 

For so many of us the unwillingness to lose what we’ve decided we need is what keeps us from choosing. 

Creating beyond what you’ve decided you cannot have

What else can you create beyond what you’ve decided you cannot have? It starts with a question and the courage to have something different and ask what choice you can make. 

What can you be today that you’ve never been willing to be before? And what can you choose today that you’ve never been willing to choose before? 

What have you decided that you will not lose that keeps you from ever choosing beyond everything that you’ve decided that you need about it that doesn’t allow you to see the gain beyond what you have decided you can have? Everything that that is, times a godzillion, will you destroy and uncreate it? Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD and POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds. (TheClearingStatement.com)


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