Episode 6: What I Am Grateful For About My Relationships This Xmas

With the holiday season upon us, if you have a little stress coming up in your relationships, don’t worry, it’s only normal, but is any of it yours?

On this episode, Brendon shares a class he did earlier this year about the different elements of relationship. 

Listen to learn about a different possibility with relationship. There is a different reality available if you’re willing to choose it. 

On today’s podcast:

  • Relationships over the holidays
  • More ease with relationship
  • Creating a future with relationship
  • Do you desire a relationship?
  • Choosing relationship everyday
  • What if relationship was about contribution?


Click here to download the show summary for the One Choice From Change podcast with Brendon Watt.

Relationships over the holidays

With the holiday season upon us, if you have a little stress coming up in your relationships, don’t worry, it’s only normal, but is any of it yours? 

One of the things we do over the holiday season with our relationships is we’re so acutely aware of everything that’s going on for everybody else dealing with their relationships and their family. 

Brendon did a class earlier this year talking about the different elements of relationship, and he’s sharing it today on this podcast. 

With this holiday season, what if it was actually about having fun? What if you didn’t have to make it so draining anymore? What if it wasn’t about getting your relationship right anymore? What if it wasn’t about getting your family situation right anymore? 

Please know there is a different possibility with this. There is a different reality available if you’re willing to choose it. 

More ease with relationship

If you desire a relationship with another person, you can have ease with it. It does not have to be struggle. 

If you’re going to choose a relationship, choose a great one. Brendon Watt and Simone Milasas wrote a book together called Relationship. Are you sure you want one? and it’s full of stories about their relationship, which they decided to break up after writing the book (but they’ve created a great friendship).

In the book they talk about all the insanity around relationship on this planet. They want you to create something different with relationship, something that works for you. It’s not about them getting it right. It’s about getting you to see that you have a different choice with it and what’s going to work for you in relationship. 

Creating a future with relationship

Most of us create relationship based on past tense: what’s been before in our relationships, how our parents created their relationship, how our friends have created relationships. 

Just because something has happened before, that doesn’t mean it has to happen again. That’s not how you create a future.

How many of you have been doing relationship based on this reality rather than asking for what it is you’d like to show up? What if it was an energy? What if it was asking for kind, caring, and nurturing to show up? 

Do you desire a relationship? 

Do you actually desire a relationship? The word relationship means the distance between two things. So what if it was something else that you were asking for? 

What if it was more of a communion? What if it was something you were asking for that would contribute to you and wasn’t the definition of relationship as this reality tells you what it should be?

Something they talk about a lot in the book is having a relationship with you. If you aren’t willing to be kind to you, you cannot receive kindness from another person. If you’re not willing to be true to you, you cannot have that with another person. It all starts with what kind of relationship you desire to have with yourself. 

Choosing relationship everyday 

What if every day you woke up and asked, “Is this working for me today?” And if it is, you choose it, and if it’s not, then you start to ask some questions and have a look at it. 

If you choose to break up a relationship, celebrate it. Say thank you for the years you’ve spent together, and now what else is possible? 

It’s not the easiest thing in the world, but you have to be willing to say what actually is and do what’s true for you. 

What if the purpose of relationship was to have fun? What if you were not right and you were not wrong for choosing relationship or for not choosing relationship? 

All of it is just a choice. If you have the point of view that you don’t do relationship, there’s no choice. Also, if you have the point of view that you have to be in relationship, there’s no choice in that, either. 

Locking yourself in conclusion is a limitation. Instead, what if every day you made the choice? Relationship is a creation every day. 

What if relationship was about contribution?

There’s no “perfect” person out there for you to meet. Perfection is a judgement. What if relationship was more about contribution? 

What if it was about two people contributing to each other, whatever that may be? And it can look really different. What if relationship was about creating at least 20 times more together? 

A great relationship is where you know you can rely on somebody. It’s about seeing where you add to each other’s lives and adding it. 

What if you could create a unique, different relationship if you desire one? And if you don’t desire one, that’s okay, too. 

Start looking at what’s great about you.


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